The Fruits of My Labour: Week XLIX

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There is a Zucchini growing!

Zucchini fruit growing on vine

There’s a Bell Pepper growing!

Green bell pepper growing on stalk

There are Tomatoes growing!

Green tomato growing on vine

The cursed Hostas are flowering!

White hosta flowers starting to bloom, and one lady bug on a petal

I think the break in the rainless-but-humid-as-hell heat wave has prompted a lot of action in the plants that have survived so far. Very pleased here.

Bonkers nature-made commentary on the humidity: the stalk of the tomato plant was developing a mat of root growth, seemingly because the air itself was so water-logged.

Short white roots matting upside-down stem of tomato plant

I haven’t done much outside this week, other than moving a snail I found in the recycling bin out back to the compost area – good for that wee lad and good for my purposes, as we’d both rather him helping the compost rather than munching on the living garden or crushed to death in the bin.

Snail on cardboard

For the house plants, I trimmed and propagated the Purple Heart, who was getting a bit too leggy for my tastes.

Parent Purple Heart potted plant and four propagation cuttings in water

It was also time to deadhead the flower stalk from Sebastian, since it’s advised to do so once the flowers are done blooming, to help the air plant redirect its energies to making pups. We’ll see if this works out in a few more months.

Severed air plant flower stalk laying in front of air plant in glass container

Yet another Caesar descendant found itself dying, so I had to deal with that deteriorating situation. I snipped off and tossed the definitely-a-goner leaf and decided to just propagate the other leaf from the rosette, instead of trying to salvage it with its possible infected root ball. Most of my other attempts to save the leaves attached to the infected ones ended tragically, so here’s to hoping propagation works for him.

Snake plant leaf, cut straight across the top and a V shape cut into bottom

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