Now On Instagram: Week XLIII

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Find me on Instagram @ TheAspiringPlantLady

The clover has grown in almost fully, albeit a touch patchy. The unexpected “small” grass inclusion is taller than I would like, so I think I’ll plop a couple of raised garden beds on those spots.

Clover-rich garden

This pair of propagating Purple Heart has been struggling, with one of them losing a leaf just after a new small one had started to grow, and the other one barely holding on to its sickly pale pink leaf. I think propagating with just one leaf on each stem may not have been ideal. But there are roots starting to grow, so we’re not giving up just yet.

Two Purple Heart propagations in small blue glass of water, through which two small roots on one stem are visible

Anyone who has just eaten or has a sensitive stomach, do not look at the next photos which include a snapshot of in-progress compost.

I hadn’t turned the compost bin tumbler in about a week, which was just enough time for something to start growing.

Tall, pale seedlings shooting up from decomposing compost

No idea what it is (dredging through my memory of what I’ve tossed in there…maybe zucchini butts? Apple cores? Corn husks?), but I had the brilliant idea to snag the one  that had been reaching through an aeration hole….

Seedling growing through aeration hole on side of compost bin

….with its well-developed roots….

Singular seedling with two young leaves and multiple roots on a long stem

….and plant it in the raised garden bed, to see if it continues growing. We shall see!

Unidentified seedling planted in soil

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