Category: Weekly Update

  • Round TWO: Week XXII

    Here we go again! Snake plant #2 (let’s call him ‘Carl’) found himself in his new housing this week. I used the same pot I had prepped last week, with the coffee filter dirt-barrier, the cinnamon fungi-fighting layer, and the fresh scoop of cacti/succulent soil. A few days after his water soak, Carl’s dirt mass… Read more

  • The Perpetually Evolving Plan: Week XXI

    Remember when I said I would “wait a few days” to repot my baby snake plants? That was three weeks ago. Three weeks of the plants waiting for me, probably tapping their little feet and looking at their little watches, if they had either. I dilly dallied, anxious about if I was doing the ‘right’… Read more

  • Not So Warm and Snuggly: Week XX

    Minor Maintenance This week has involved more observation than upkeep of my plant population. Just about the only action I’ve taken was to pluck off a few dead leaves from two of the indoor hobgoblins. Want to guess which plants these are from? Go forth, live on the wild side, make your selection. Outdoor Bulbs… Read more

  • Winter is Coming: Week XIX

    Frosting We had our first snow flurry last week. Magical as it was, the thin dusting thawed and disappeared within an hour. And thus I was taken by surprise when I later saw this white powder (which my brain, for a split-second, absurdly thought was some sort of drugs) layered atop my raised garden bed.… Read more

  • Babies, Oh Babies: Week XVIII

    The Snake Plant Quadruplets What do we call a lesson that is a reminder, rather than new knowledge? Reinforcement. It was unwise of me to have picked up the drip plates holding the dry-soil, top-heavy snake plant babies, at least without holding the pots for stability. It was doubly ill-advised of me to have double… Read more

  • Pssh, It’s Only November: Week XVII

    Hyacinth Time, Baby! We’re still planting! The weather has been surprisingly mild, so I decided to chance planting the Yellow Hyacinth bulbs I’d gotten from Wedgewood Gardens. In fact, the packet does recommend planting all the way through November. Best not to wait until next year, now that we know bulbs can expire. And if… Read more

  • Bring Out Your Dead! We’re Not Dead Yet: Week XVI

    As mentioned last week, the first dip into freezing temperature does not immediately halt all plant growth outdoors. Remember the bell pepper plants that were planted too late to produce fruit? Well, one of them made a flower! In ideal conditions, we would pinch off the early flowers of this ‘fast-producing’ pepper plant until it… Read more

  • Frost Alert: Week XV

    This past week shuffled in the first frost of the season. The frost kills the top of plants, although it does not similarly affect the roots. In theory, we can keep planting until the cold freezes the soil, which can take weeks or months after we dip into freezing temperatures. Unfortunately, this does not bode… Read more

  • Fall Gardening Workshop: Week XIV

    This past weekend I had the marvelous fortune of attending a Fall Gardening Workshop held by Wedgewood Gardens. Herein I shall attempt to regurgitate some of my favorite bits of wisdom garnered from this excellently composed and superbly delivered lesson. Any errors are a result of my own misunderstandings, misinterpretations, or mishearing. Planning Fall is… Read more

  • High Menace: Week XIII

    The time has arrived for Autumn planting! I have waited months for this season, not merely because it is the best time of the year. I very badly desire a patch of irises in my garden, and these bulbs are best planted after summer has definitively ended, but before the first frost. The day after… Read more