Category: Weekly Update

  • Did You Know? Air Plants Edition: Week: XXXII

    Meet Sebastian! My first air plant! Which of course warranted some research and dang, there is a lot about air plants of which I was not aware. Please enjoy some weird facts about these weird guys. Don’t Grow in Soil This is about the only thing I already knew about air plants. Being sans-soil dwellers,… Read more

  • Spring is Coming: Week XXXI

    The days are getting longer, the temperatures are rising, and plant mania will soon begin. I decided to remove the chicken wire from the iris bed in the garden, assuming (hoping) that at this point the squirrels won’t be interested in digging up bulbs that have already sprouted. Time will tell. I pulled the weeds… Read more

  • These Children Are Not Our Future: Week XXX

    It became necessary for me to remove one of the two rosettes from the newly potted Caesar Jr. I had begun to smell that sweet graham cracker-cinnamon fragrance from the drooping plant, and this time I had the benefit of comparing the odor to the other two pots. Only the earthy smell of dirt from… Read more

  • Grow, Snake Plants, Grow!: Week XXVIX

    We continue our vigil for all the snake plants. A couple days after repotting the Little Caesars, I came across a snake plant tutorial tip that advised watering after repotting, even for cases of root rot. This suggestion seemed to be based on the assumption that the root of the problem (pun very much intended)… Read more

  • From Bad to Worse to Fingers Crossed: Week XXVIII

    Sooooooooo, I finished the week of Neem and finally it was time to root around Caesar, removing any dead leaves. Unfortunately, the problem had spread significantly in that one week. All but the center leaf of the ground zero group had turn brown. And the browning had started to spread to the outer leaves of… Read more

  • Fall After The Rise: Week XXVII

    Last week’s excitement for the snake plant leaf propagation has segued into this week’s scramble to save Caesar, my large snake plant, gifted to me three years ago. Caesar has been a steadfast superstar, truly living up to the snake plant reputation of requiring little attention. But now he needs help. I noticed one of… Read more

  • Oh My God This Is Happening: Week XXVI

    It has been almost exactly two months, and we’re finally seeing it! The snake plant leaf ‘cutting’ is growing roots! What a time to be alive! At this point it looks as if the little dude is growing wee legs, like a mini Ent. One could also suggest that the set looks like a pair… Read more

  • Lessons of 2023: Week XXV

    Being in the dead of winter, despite the occasional and unusual warm days (we all know the reason, thanks climate change), plant management has been dreadfully dull. I have no updates for this week. So I thought I’d dive into the ‘archives,’ pull some unused photos, and review a few endeavors from last year. Store-Bought… Read more

  • A Paucity of Sunlight and Cold Days: Week XXIV

    While I still believe that the short days of winter effectively communicate the time of hibernation to plants, the fluctuating mild temperatures seem to be just as confusing to flora as it is to us humans. I’ve noticed what I think are cherry blossom trees blooming right now in early January. And my iris babies… Read more

  • A New Year: Week XXIII

    As we bid adieu to 2023 and step hesitantly into 2024, let us hold a moment of compassion for the tough times, for those that will not be greeting the new year with us, for the burdens of “what if”s and “if only”s, for the pain of lessons learned the hard way, for the struggles… Read more