Blog Posts

  • Mambo # 5: Week XLII

    My hoard of plants has been steadily growing, and I am starting to comprehend just how many individual plants I’ve acquired. Watering Day came around and I found myself a little overwhelmed by the multitude of assessments I had to make regarding if each plant was in need of hydration. You know what I did…


  • Roots, Blooms, and Trims: Week XLI

    The Can-I-Propagate-It game has grown strong. I took a segment of basil from a grocery store culinary cutting – the sort folded into a small plastic clamshell box – and I removed any side stems as well as all but the top three leaves. I sat it in a shotglass of water for about a…


  • New Plants, New Growth, New Techniques: Week XL

    I hadn’t realized just how busy this week has been with the plants, but this may just be the new normal during the growing season. So many plants! So much to do! I acquired three new youths and an older gentleman. First there’s the Jacob’s Ladder, which I thought might look lovely amoung some ostrich…


  • Stealing, Growing, and Reviving Plant Friends: Week XXXIX

    This week I acquired some locally sourced wild violets. The area of growth had just been mowed, but there remained a small line of plants along the edge of a wall that survived the mass beheading. I planted the violets in the shaded iris bed, in order to provide some layering, and to compete with…


  • Here It Comes, There It Goes: Week XXXVIII

    Clover The big one this week: clover. Around day #4 after planting, I noticed the tiny seeds bursting open, and wee green babes stretching out of their shells. I tried taking a picture every other day to capture the sequence of growth. Rain has been, if not consistent, then at least frequent enough to keep…


  • Spring Planting and Saving: Week XXXVII

    Snake Plant It comes as no surprise, at this point, that we have another Fall of Ceasar (well, one of his progeny). The two leaves had toppled out of the pot, possibly during the minor earthquake we experienced. Upon review of the roots, which had withered away, I can safely conclude the cause to be…


  • Planting Fragrant and Native: Week XXXVI

    The universe has compelled me to shift away from Creeping Thyme in the front garden, and towards Moss Phlox. The incentive: free Moss Phlox from one of my neighbors. Once I started researching the plant, I came to favor it over my previous choice. Phlox is native to the area, and likely more durable for…


  • Hopes for the Future: Week XXXV

    When I refreshed the water cup for my large snake plant cutting, I noticed a wee dangly bit along the cut edge. Maybe it’s just natural decay? Maybe it’s the start of new root growth? Time will tell, and we’ll be watching. This year I’m going to be more proactive about managing the remaining inchplants,…


  • Rocks In, Rocks Out: Week XXXIV

    Lo and behold! I followed through with the task I said needed doing last week! It’s a miracle! I repotted the three glass jars of aloe, removing the bottom layer of pebbles. It’s still not the best pot option, lacking drainage holes, but it’ll do for now. Meanwhile I added a pebble layer on top…


  • Tackling the Quests: Week XXXIII

    The beautiful spring weather compelled me to address a few overdue tasks from my gardening to-do list. The Aloe Mothers and Babes I am most proud of my foray into repotting the aloe plant pups, which had initially intimidated me and thus I avoided the job, giving the babes time to literally grow into a…