Blog Posts

  • The Changeling, the Phoenix, the Prometheus, and the Deceased: Week LII

    The big bell pepper fruit has changed its skin, green to red. Very enjoyable to watch, but I was right in my hesitance to accept it as hale and healthy. I nudged it while getting a photo, and it fell right off the branch, allowing me to see the other side, rotting through and not…


  • Returning from/to Disease and Disorder: Week LI

    I spent a solid week of neglecting my plants while trying to get through a rather unpleasant cold, and it shows. I’ll also blame the weather, as we’ve had about 5 weeks without any significant rain. The tomatoes, water guzzlers that they are, most dramatically show the repercussions of dehydration. I also strongly suspect that…


  • All About That Squash: Week L

    I harvested my first zucchini, and dang it grew fast. And wonky, what with being confined to the limited growth room between the cramped vines. Behold! My first baby photo! About a week later, I reaped the second zucchini, which the squirrels apparently found and tested out. You can see the teeth indents. It doesn’t…


  • The Fruits of My Labour: Week XLIX

    There is a Zucchini growing! There’s a Bell Pepper growing! There are Tomatoes growing! The cursed Hostas are flowering! I think the break in the rainless-but-humid-as-hell heat wave has prompted a lot of action in the plants that have survived so far. Very pleased here. Bonkers nature-made commentary on the humidity: the stalk of the…


  • Release the Ladybugs!: Week XLVIII

    I made a mistake. When I imported the hostas, and assumed the damage was merely over-sunning. Without hosing them down to remove any pests, I plonked them right next to my maybe-pumpkin. And only after the move did I notice the webbing around the base of the hosta stems. Spider mites. Curse me, I brought…


  • Begin Again: Week XLVII

    I did follow through with pruning the dead leaves from the saddest half of the Jacob’s Ladder. Removing the dead foliage helps allow sunlight and air reach the new baby leaves, encouraging them to grow healthy and strong. The other half of the divided set seems to be regrowing just fine, so I’m leaving it…


  • Paint Splatter: Week XLVI

    So much has happened during my unintended sabbatical from the blog, that my only hope for motivating myself to write about it, is to haphazardly throw the metaphorical paint at the wall without much care for coherency. Brace yourselves for a long post, as I bring ya’ll up to speed, and then hopefully return to…


  • Propagation Palooza: Week XLV

    To start, let us appreciate this viewpoint of Sebastian having an Out Of Body Experience during bath-time. Same day, I realized I had forgotten to keep the ongoing bath full for this aloe leaf propagation. It seems one can become blind to the everyday sights. I may need to develop a method of keeping track…


  • What Do We Do With Pretty: Week XLIV

    Alas, the identity of the unknown compost seedling will remain a mystery. It did not survive even a week, perhaps due to transplant shock of such different sun and soil conditions. Or perhaps I did not plant the stem deeply enough. Meanwhile, the weeds – most likely the invasive Vinca – have begun thriving in…


  • Now On Instagram: Week XLIII

    Find me on Instagram @ TheAspiringPlantLady The clover has grown in almost fully, albeit a touch patchy. The unexpected “small” grass inclusion is taller than I would like, so I think I’ll plop a couple of raised garden beds on those spots. This pair of propagating Purple Heart has been struggling, with one of them…